October 2023 Newsletter
Here’s our news and information for October.
Info & updates
· Please remember a healthy lunchbox no chocolate, crisps or juice. We provide milk and water at lunchtimes as well as spoons for yogurt.
· Snack reminder, please make sure morning snack is just fruit and in a separate pot to your child’s lunch box and put in their bag as the children are getting confused why they can’t eat their lunch at snack time.
· Thank you for not packing single use plastic, lunch boxes are looking fab.
· Please label everything you can especially fruit pots and uniform.
· A like or comment on tapestry so we know you have received it is lovely J
· Please no wellies or shoe laces and no open toes for safety reasons.
· A reminder the Pre-School is closed on Friday 24th November.
We are looking for some helpers to resurface a small section of our patio where a few slabs have lifted, if anyone is able to help us please let us know! We would be very grateful.
Half Term
Half term week falls on 23rd- 27th October, we return on Monday 30th October.
Space Week
We will be getting crafty with all this space and science experiments for Space week starting 2nd October, any spare cardboard boxes will be great to make rockets!
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Our AGM is going to be held on Tuesday 17th October, all are welcome.
Apple Day
Our Friday children will be celebrating Apple Day on Friday 20th October, with a short walk to the shop to buy some apples, creating some apple masterpieces and making a tasty apple treat. Please bring in one apple on this day.
Clothing and Shoes
Lots of spare clothes please, the children will be spending a lot of time outside during the day and may be wet or muddy.
Shoes that are easy for the children to get on and off with little or no help would be very much appreciated.
Lots of spare socks!
Please pack a coat every day, this weather is very unpredictable.
We know it’s early… We are looking for a volunteer Father Christmas to visit the children for half an hour on Friday 15th December to hand out presents to the children. We even have a costume! Please let us know if you or if you know anyone that would be able to help.
If you would like to purchase uniform please ask a member of staff we have plenty of stock at Pre-School, tops are £11 and jumpers are £12.
Curriculum Autumn Term: All About Me
Intent: Understanding myself so I can make friends with others.
4th October World Space Week
21st October Apple day
5th November Bonfire Night
12th November Remembrance day
13th November Nursery Rhyme week
13th November Road Safety week
Reminder for parents needing ‘30 hours childcare’ from January 2024 All parents who are working, and have a 3-or 4-year old and want to claim funded extended hours (30 hours childcare), must make sure they have applied to HMRC before the 31 December 2023. All parents with a 30 hours’ code need to make sure their details are up to date. They must do this every three months: https://www.gov.uk/sign-in-childcare-account
Help paying for childcare: Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Free Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK
Our inset days are:
November 24th, March 11th, July 22nd and July 23rd
That’s all for October,
From the Padnell Pre-School Team