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Welcome to Tapestry

What is Tapestry?

Tapestry is a secure online Learning Journal to record photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, to build up a record of your child’s experiences during their time with us. This system allows us to work with parents and carers to share information and record the children’s play and learning in and outside of the classroom.


How does Tapestry work?


Tapestry provides each individual child with their own Learning Journal held online. Parents and carers are given their own log-in using their email. All our staff are given a secure log-in. They can then upload observations, photos or videos; recording children’s achievements and assessing their learning in reference to the EYFS curriculum. Parents can change their settings so that an email is then automatically generated informing them when an observation has been added so they can have a look and add any comments of their own.


How do I access Tapestry?


We will email you your login information shortly before your child is due to start pre-school.

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