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November Newsletter 2023

November 2023 Newsletter

Here’s our news and information for November.

Info & updates

· Please no wellies or shoe laces.

· A reminder the Pre-School is closed on Friday 24th November.

· We are now full for spaces until September 2024.

· Lots of warm layers and coats!

· Gloves and hats get easily lost please label them if you can.

· Christmas singing is about to begin, please help your children practice the songs at home.

· Christmas raffle and hamper donations.

· Donations for Age Concern UK

· Please remember to return library books on a Friday

· Paddington Bear- when your child is given him, please return after a few days.

· Encourage your children to put their own coat and shoes on J

Bits and Bobs

We are looking for the following:

- Plates, bowls, cups

- Bangles, beads, dresses, hats, sunglasses (for real life dressing up)

- Any natural material items for treasure baskets

- Pinecones and conkers


This Christmas we have lots of fun planned activities for the children, however we will need a small contribution for these to take place. We will be making Christmas cards with the children and posting them at the local post box, making some festive treats to eat and a visit from Santa who will be giving all children a small gift. Letter to follow.


This Christmas we will be organising a raffle to win a selection of hampers, tickets will be sold for £1 each at the Pre-School in the run up to Christmas. The winning tickets will be drawn by the children on the morning of Friday 15th December. The money raised from the tickets will be used to buy new resources for the children.

Age Concern

We are also planning on taking a few children to Age Concern at the Borrow Centre in Cowplain to deliver a Christmas goody basket. We are asking for donations to put in the hampers by Friday 8th December.


We have a volunteer Santa wahay! The children will be visited by Father Christmas on Friday 15th December for those that are in on that day.

Clothing and Shoes

Lots of spare clothes please, the children will be spending a lot of time outside during the day and may be cold, wet and muddy.

Shoes that are easy for the children to get on and off with little or no help would be very much appreciated. Please no laces and lots of spare socks!

Please pack a warm coat every day, this weather is very unpredictable.


If you would like to purchase uniform please ask a member of staff we have plenty of stock at Pre-School, tops are £11 and jumpers are £12.

Curriculum Autumn Term: All About Me

Intent: Understanding myself so I can make friends with others.


5th November Bonfire Night

12th November Remembrance day

13th November Nursery Rhyme week

13th November Road Safety week

Reminder for parents needing ‘30 hours childcare’ from January 2024 All parents who are working, and have a 3-or 4-year old and want to claim funded extended hours (30 hours childcare), must make sure they have applied to HMRC before the 31 December 2023. All parents with a 30 hours’ code need to make sure their details are up to date. They must do this every three months: Help paying for childcare: Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Free Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK

Our inset days are:

November 24th, March 11th, July 22nd and July 23rd

That’s all for November,

From the Padnell Pre-School Team


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