Here’s our news and information for January
Info & updates
· Welcome back!
· A big thank you for all of our lovely Christmas gifts, we hope you all had a nice break and wonderful Christmas.
· If the weather is bad, please let yourself into the garden and wait under the canopy.
· Please don’t forget to let a member of staff know in person, by phone or email if your child is not attending Pre-School for any reason.
· Please make sure your child has a pair of shoes to wear while at Pre-School if they have walked into school in wellies.
· We provide water and milk all day, there is no need to bring a drink (please no squash).
· We also provide spoons at lunch time
· A reminder please not to pack single use plastic
· Please log on to tapestry to check for photos/observations as you might not receive a notification.
Please pack lots of spare socks!!
Age Concern Visit
Thank you for all of your wonderful donations to create the hamper for Age Concern.

Spring Term Curriculum- Helping me
Intent: Helping myself so I can help others.
· How can I help myself by doing the things that make me happy?
· Who helps me and who can I help?
· Simple breathing tools to begin to understand how to regulate emotions
· Helping myself find my calm
Big Bird Watch
We will be taking part in bird watch for the week beginning 23rd January, we would appreciate any bird food donations for the children to make bird feeders to take home.
Helen will be off throughout January/February, we wish her well and a speedy recovery.
While Helen is away resting, Holly will be acting deputy until her return and
Emma (a previous practitioner) will be coming back to cover for Helen.
Karen was admitted to hospital on Monday 9th with pneumonia, we hope she will be discharged on Friday on bed rest. We are all wishing her a speedy recovery.
Our inset days are:
Monday 13th March 2023
Wednesday 19th July, Thursday 20th July and Friday 21st July 2023
That’s all for January
From the Padnell Pre-School Team