June 2023 Newsletter
Here’s our news and information for June
Info & updates
We hope you all had a lovely half term break.
· Thank you for all of your support for the cake sale, we raised £100!
· Father’s day Friday 16th June, dads/grandads/uncles are welcome join us for an afternoon at Joeys field for those children in on that day.
· Year two leavers afternoon Friday 14th July, all year twos are welcome to join us for a family fun mini games afternoon, letter to follow.
· Drop ins for all children will be arranged before the end of term.
· Sun cream- please apply a long lasting cream before Pre-School.
· Please make sure sun hats have names in.
· Our Caterpillars are growing very big; we look forward to releasing them in joey’s field when they turn into butterflies.
· Please no open toe shoes, this is for safety reasons.
· Please remember a healthy lunchbox no chocolate or crisps.
· Try to avoid packing single use plastic to help us as a plastic free setting.
King Coronation
We celebrated the Kings Coronation with a garden party! Rain showers resulted in a picnic on the floor, we all had a lovely day.
Environment Day
We are celebrating environment day for the week beginning 5th June, we will litter picking and talking about single use plastic.
Summer Term Curriculum- Healthy Me
Intent: Caring for our planet and environment.
· Mindfulness strategies to consciously engage the senses during daily indoor and outdoor activities
· Mindful circle times engaging senses
· Mindful movement and mindfulness in nature
*please remember no single use plastic in lunchboxes.
Services for Young Children Parents/ Carers Update May 2023
Please see attached link:
Our inset days are:
Wednesday 19th July, Thursday 20th July and Friday 21st July 2023
That’s all for June
From the Padnell Pre-School Team