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July Newsletter 2023

July 2023 Newsletter

Here’s our news and information for July

Info & updates

· We loved Father’s day afternoon at Joey’s field and letting the butterflies go, thank you all so much for coming!

· The year two leavers afternoon is on Friday 14th July, all year twos are welcome to join us for a family fun mini games afternoon at 1.45pm.

· Drop ins for all children will be arranged before the end of term.

· Sun cream- please apply a long lasting cream before Pre-School.

· Please make sure sun hats have names in.

· Please no open toe shoes, this is for safety reasons.

· Please remember a healthy lunchbox, no chocolate or crisps.

· Try to avoid packing single use plastic to help us as a plastic free setting.

· Children that are returning for another year will receive a letter soon.

· Our last day of Pre-School is Tuesday 18th July, we return on Monday 4th September.

No Phones

Please do not use mobile phones on the Pre-School grounds or take photographs.


We are working towards reducing our plastic toys at Pre-School, if you are able to donate any natural material toys or crockery for the home corner we would be grateful.


We are so happy to be able to say that Helen is doing very well and she hopes to return in September. Please give her a big wave when you see her.

Thank you

A big thank you to Claire Garner for all of her volunteering this year it has been very much appreciated.

Thank you to Paul (Ben’s Grandpa) who helped us build lots of new toys!


We would like to say a big congratulations to Holly who will become our new co-manager with Karen when we return in September.

Summer Term Curriculum- Healthy Me

Intent: Caring for our planet and environment.

· Mindfulness strategies to consciously engage the senses during daily indoor and outdoor activities

· Mindful circle times engaging senses

· Mindful movement and mindfulness in nature

Our inset days are:

Wednesday 19th July, Thursday 20th July and Friday 21st July 2023

That’s all for July, we hope you all have a wonderful break and wish all our leavers a wonderful time at big school!

From the Padnell Pre-School Team


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