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All about 30 hours funding

Here's everything you need to know about 30 hours free funding.

How to apply for your 30 hours childcare

Check if you're eligible and apply for funding using the Childcare Choices website here.

When to apply

You can apply from when your child is 2 years and 36 weeks old.

​When your child turns 3

​When they can get 30 hours from

Recommended time to apply

1st September to 31st December

​Term starting on or after 1st January

15th October to 30th November

1st January to 31st March

​Term starting on or after 1st April

​15th January to 28th February

1st April to 31st August

Term starting on or after 1st September

​15th June to 31st July

Renewing you code

All parents with a 30 hours code need to make sure their details are up-to-date. You need to renew your eligibility code every three months.


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